Do Bodybuilding Supplements Offer The Guaranteed Path To Muscle Building Results ?!

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Many weight lifters spend exorbitant amounts on the latest bodybuilding supplements, and do so believing they are the key to improving results. See why bodybuilding supplements are a rocky road that all should refuse to travel.

Often when the term "natural bodybuilding" is thought of, those who participate in such a hobby think of intense weight training workouts and structured bodybuilding diet plans, but one additional element, supplementation, is deemed a requirement for any individual to succeed in gaining muscle to his or her natural bodybuilding potential. Since using steroids is avoided due to their dangers, bodybuilding supplements become the "safe" and legal drug alternative that bodybuilders feel compelled to consider.
Because few who experiment with bodybuilding supplements have performed their weight training routines without using such products, they are unable to analyze the true impact of the bodybuilding supplements they consume, and therefore, mistakenly attribute any muscle building or fat loss to these products, even when making changes to a weight training or diet routine that, in fact, is the foundation for any successful muscle building or fat loss venture. Instead of constructing legitimate experiments to note muscle building or fat loss with specific bodybuilding supplements using the exact same weight training and diet plan, many tend to become frustrated with their muscle building or fat loss progress, and once they return from a vacation with newfound weight training zest, they not only experiment with a new weight lifting workout routine and diet, but also purchase several bodybuilding supplements to use simultaneously, and if they gain muscle or lose fat, they rarely credit the weight training workout routine or diet, nor do they factor in the ease of building muscle mass following a layoff with nearly any marginally effective routine, but rather believe that the bodybuilding supplements are responsible for any noticeable change, even when this progress is short lived.
This skewed analysis leads weight lifters around the world to believe that bodybuilding supplements are a required component for results, and infamous bodybuilding magazines, most of whom generate the majority of their advertising profits from bodybuilding supplement companies, also convince the readers that they must, without question, adopt bodybuilding supplements as the secret weapon to enhancing muscle mass, especially when champion professional bodybuilders are shown holding the most recent bottled craze (of course, he fails to mention that his muscle gains are due to steroid abuse as opposed to supplement use!). Nevertheless, the predominant lesson sent by the bodybuilding industry that these products are the natural key to massive muscle building fuels most to accept this as truth, and the bodybuilding supplement industry thrives as a result.
But what's the truth behind the bodybuilding supplement craze? I have been involved in weight training for well over a decade, and through my own experience, along with emails sent to me by those who are frustrated with their own results, despite the use of bodybuilding supplements, and have therefore devised a motto that I hope all reading this article will decide is logical enough to consider accepting for their own muscle building or fat loss pursuits. Most bodybuilding supplements do not offer advertised results, and you will spend thousands (or may already have) proving this to be true, but even if you were to stumble upon a bodybuilding supplement that allowed you to burn fat or gain muscle mass faster than is possible through a correctly structured weight training workout routine and bodybuilding diet, you will then possibly destroy long term health. The only method of knowing for certain whether an artificially induced product will harm long term health is with a long term controlled study as to its impact, and because no such legitimate research will ever exist on any bodybuilding supplement, you should be weary of their safety since, as we know with the deadly smoking epidemic, legality does not ensure safety, and, over long term use, there are serious concerns that bodybuilding supplements can result in cancer, organ abnormalities (due to unnatural stress on the kidneys, liver, etc), endocrine damage, and premature death.
For numerous bodybuilders who wish to maximize muscle gains and fat loss, yet value the term "natural" due to its connection with preservation of health and clear rejection of all potentially risky external aids towards such progress, bodybuilding supplements that promise faster muscle building or fat loss than is possible through weight training and diet alone are clearly not an option. You can either heed my warning, or waste thousands as do so many each year searching for the perfect steroid replacement that offers no side effects, when this, in factArticle Search, is an oxymoronic fantasy that has no chance of becoming reality.

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