The How And Why’s Of Becoming A Personal Trainer !
A personal trainer is basically a professional fitness expert, who either works for a fitness training company or independently. He is a qualified individual having not just a certification or degree in physical fitness, but also real knowledge about exercises, fitness equipment, health and nutrition. Qualified personal trainers are high in demand, and the profession is highly rewarding one, in terms of benefits and salary.
A personal trainer is basically a professional fitness expert, who either works for a fitness training company or independently. He is a qualified individual having not just a certification or degree in physical fitness, but also real knowledge about exercises, fitness equipment, health and nutrition. Qualified personal trainers are high in demand, and the profession is highly rewarding one, in terms of benefits and salary.
If you have been thinking about becoming a professional personal trainer, many questions might be lurking in your mind about this profession. Most people who join this profession have a passion for exercise, health and fitness. You can’t decide to be a fitness expert one fine day, and become one overnight. People look up to their fitness experts as their role models. In order to be a role model, you need to be a practicing trainer, which means hands on knowledge and experience on all the exercise machines, and a body that shows your years of hard work and dedication.
However, an accreditation is a must for taking it up as a career. Each country has its own accreditations for personal trainers. In the United States, most trainers go for Fitness Instructors Knowledge Assessment (FKA). This test measures your knowledge about exercise prescriptions, nutrition, testing protocols, health screening etc. You can go for it, even if you don’t have a degree in exercise sciences. The certifications by ACSM and NSCA are the top ones recognized by International Health, Racquet and Sports Club Association.
You would usually be required to work in a physical fitness facility, which could be private or public one such as a health club, a fitness center, a rehabilitation center etc. An important component of your job will be to develop recommendations for exercise for their clients including aerobics, resistance exercise, flexibility training etc. This direction also includes the timing, duration, frequency, rest period and sometimes nutrition advice and this must be in accordance with the needs of the clients. So a personal trainer must be able to assess individuals and advise accordingly.
A great personal trainer must not only be an expert in his/her field but must also be a good human being capable of understanding and communicating with others. A personal trainer has to be in constant communication with his clients on devising exercise plans
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