Vitamin D Saves Lives !
Vitamins are not magic pills. Come to think about it, they do produce some pretty fantastic results sometimes. Anything that can make you live longer, look better, and ward off some of the most dangerous diseases has to fall into a category like magical.
Take Vitamin D for example. In the past it was known as the vitamin you took to keep your knees healthy. It seems as if some highly skilled research professionals have discovered some significant additional benefits of this vitamin. Their research discovered that the vast majority of cells and tissue has receptors (end organs of sensory neurons) for Vitamin D. Therefore considerably higher doses are now necessary to achieve optimal results.
Unless your immune system is functioning at peak efficiency you will be vulnerable to attack from a multitude of disease producing organisms. And evidence shows an alarming number of people have levels of Vitamin D well below minimum standards.
Prolonged Vitamin D deficiency can be extremely detrimental to the human body leading to a long list of ailments covering all areas of the body. Bringing your Vitamin D level up to a healthy level is easy and inexpensive by simply adding Vitamin D3 supplements to your schedule.
There are several ways to obtain your required Vitamin D. Your body actually produces Vitamin D on its own, but not nearly enough. So you have to obtain the remainder from your diet, the sun, and from supplements. Once you have consumed the food and the supplements, your kidneys and liver convert it to its active form, Vitamin D3. You can also purchase Vitamin D3 supplements from any health food store.
Theoretically, every tissue category in the body has receptors for Vitamin D3. In other words virtually all tissue requires Vitamin D3 in order to function properly. We now realize that higher doses of Vitamin D3 (2000 IU +) are needed to support all the tissues in the body. The genes that support cell growth and immune function are ultimately controlled by Vitamin D3.
Vitamin D3 deficiency is rampant among people with cardiovascular disease. It is now an accepted fact that a Vitamin D3 deficiency is a predictor for heart disease, blood vessel disease, heart attack, and stroke.
The reason why a Vitamin D3 deficiency leads to serious cardiovascular problems is because the heart muscle and other circulatory organs have an abundance of Vitamin D3 receptors. Meaning they depend heavily on Vitamin D3 for efficient function.
Vitamin D3 can also play a significant role in the treatment of diabetes. People with type I and type II diabetes have been found to have Vitamin D3 levels considerably lower than the general population. If you are Vitamin D3 deficient, you are 92% more likely to advance to pre-diabetes, even if you have blood sugar in the normal range. Vitamin D3 receptors located in the insulin cells of the liver and pancreas positively influence the quality of glucose in your blood.
Research has also proven that taking Vitamin D3 supplements will even benefit those who already have diabetes. A diabetic who ingests a mere 1000 IU of Vitamin D3 a day will experience a significant decrease in blood sugar, insulin resistance, waistline circumference, and body mass.
Having low levels of Vitamin D3 in your system is a strong indicator of a higher than average cancer risk. This is due to the vitamin D3 receptors that regulate numerous signaling channels involved in tumor growth and immune system monitoring for cancer. This holds true for breast, prostate, and colorectal cancer.
Despite compelling contradictory evidence, mainstream medicine continues to insist upon classifying Vitamin D3 as essential primarily for bone maintenance. But we now realize that Vitamin D3 is actually a hormone and is essential for all the body’s components.
But a serious and disturbing fact remains. The world’s population is woefully deficient in Vitamin D3. We should be supplementing with 2000 to 8000 IU per day to promote proper body maintenance. That would enable us to maintain proper bone health, fine tune our immune system, and prevent the three most prevalent cancers plaguing our society.
This Article Is Written By: Ron Sauciron
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